India Diary - Index

Indian Recipes

Below is a collection of recipes that I've picked up during my travels throughout India. They're in no particular order, just as I found them along the way... I plan to collect recipes from around the world so you can also check out the pages from the other countries.

Chai (Tea)
Rotli (Chapati) - Basic
Masala Pottia
Evening bread


The basic range of spices used in many of the dishes is shown below.

Clockwise, from the top,
  • Tumeric
  • Cumin seeds are in the small bottle
  • Crushed coriander and cumin
  • Parsley is in the other small bottle
  • Two bowls of Chilli powder
  • Mustard seeds
  • and there are 'Cokum' seeds (mango-steen) in the middle
Created by Dan Leigh 14/10/2001