South East Asia (Singapore) Diary 7 November 2001

If you like to shop, then this place is for you. Every building seems to have a shopping mall in it. These huge places have every shop that you could possibly want (well, all of the big named stores anyway), from electronic goods through clothes, shoes to food - so many different food stalls (nothing vegetarian, but that's a different story.). Shopping is Singapore's national sport. I have to admit that they are very good at it too. Everybody that I've seen is immaculately groomed wearing the latest fashions. I feel like a complete slob, even in the best clothes that I have with me! The prices are not so bad, if you have money to spend. It's a tough jump for scummy backpackers like me who are used to having to spend so little though. The temptation of all these wonderful things is also difficult to resist!

The hostel where I'm staying is infested with every type of biting creature known to man. I woke up a couple of hours after going to sleep having had all sorts of bizarre dreams about ants crawling all over me, switched on the light and looked at the bed. It was absolutely covered with bugs. Little ones, big ones, red, black, yellow, and me, I was covered in bites. I spent the rest of the night on the floor.

I'm going to visit Wang Yee and Janet Wang, (Servas members) this evening. I spent the morning doing a little shopping (of the window variety) and then popped over to the Chinese and Japanese Gardens with Louise.

Me at the Chinese Gardens

Louise, ditto

To tomorrow...

Created by Dan Leigh 7/11/01